Course Notes

Comprehensive lecture notes that I have taken from some of my undergraduate courses at the University of Waterloo are posted here. Feel free to take a look at some of them, and I hope that they may help you.

Do note that many of my upper year courses do not have notes, as upper year PSCI courses tend to involve more essay writing and seminar participation rather than testable lecture material.

If there are no uploaded notes for a course I took and you need more information on the course, feel free to message me on Facebook or LinkedIn and let me know how I can help.

University of Waterloo Winter 2019 (4B)

For more information about these courses, check out this article: Winter 2019: Term Summary

PSCI 461 - Canadian National Politics

PSCI 452 - Comparative Political Parties

ECON 201 - Microeconomic Theory for Policy and Business

FR 152 - Beginner French II

University of Waterloo Spring 2018 (4A)

For more information about these courses, check out this article: Spring 2018: Term Summary

PSCI 490 - Special Topics: Politics in Practice

EASIA 201R: Introduction to East Asia

PSCI 490 - Special Topics: US Foreign Policy

PLAN 440 - Urban Services Planning

University of Waterloo Fall 2017 (3B)

For more information about these courses, check our this article: Fall 2017: Term Summary

ARTS 280 - Statistics for Arts Students

PSCI 428 - The State and Economic Life

PSCI 299 - Political Science Beyond the Classroom

University of Waterloo Fall 2016 (3A)

For more information about these courses, check our this article: Fall 2016: Term Summary

FR 151 - Beginner French I

University of Waterloo Winter 2016 (2B)

For more information about these courses, check our this article: Winter 2016: Term Summary

University of Waterloo Fall 2015 (2A)

For more information about these courses, check our this article: Fall 2015: Term Summary

SCI 237 - Exploring the Universe

University of Waterloo Winter 2015 (1B)

For more information about these courses, check out this article: Winter 2015: Term Summary

ENGL 109 - Introduction to Academic English

University of Waterloo Fall 2014 (1A)